Digital Minions at Work: Lessons from "The Economy of Algorithms"
Think of the Minions from the movies—eager, helpful, and quirky, but often needing supervision because they can be, well, a little inept. Similarly, AI tools are here to assist us, but they’re not perfect, nor are they meant to completely replace us.

Human-Centric AI: Ex-BCG Digital Ventures Pilar Esteban’s Blueprint for SME Success
Pilar Esteban is a seasoned Design & Product leader with nearly two decades of experience in shaping teams, experiences, and businesses. Currently, she serves as the Design & Product Director at Everest Engineering, where she collaborates with clients to envision the future and drive impactful change through technology.

Practical AI Applications for SMBs: Enhancing User Experience
In this blog post, I interview Dr. Awais Hameed Khan, an expert in participatory design and automated decision-making systems. Dr. Khan shares his journey from Unilever to Telenor, offering key insights for SMBs on leveraging user experience and participatory design. Discover the importance of genuine user involvement, creating value through design, and thoughtful technology integration. Learn how to implement AI effectively in customer service and maintain ethical standards.
Boost Your GenAI Results with 2 Simple Prompt Additions: A Workshop Recap
In conversations, I hear many managers and business owners struggle to realise the benefits of using AI tools. I also wrote a blog post on this recently.
An idea hit me: What would I want to know about AI if I knew almost nothing? How could I even get started quickly for immediate results?

An Expert's Insight: Gatik Chaujer Discusses AI's Role in Storytelling
Gatik Chaujer (LinkedIn), the Co-Founder of TransforMe Learning, boasts 22 years of expertise in training, coaching, and public speaking. With an impressive track record of over 40,000 facilitation hours, 1,000 coaching hours, and serving 200 clients globally, Gatik specializes in transformative "Inside Out" processes. His focus areas include Top Team Alignment, Leadership Development, Team Synergy, and Storytelling, employing methodologies like T-Group, Gestalt, Storytelling, and Projective cards in collaboration with partner Sandra.

Beyond the Hype: 3 Practical AI Tools That Simplify My Work (and Might Simplify Yours Too)
Frustrated about my wasted time trying out AI tools, I automatically labeled many other AI tools as “early stage” and “unuseful.” And to be honest, many of them still are. They are fun to play around with, sure. But which are good “today”? Beyond well-prompted ChatGPT prompts?

How AI Could Alter Your Business: 3 Things to Watch Out For
A few short weeks ago, I had a massive grin on my face during a meeting. I was smiling because I discovered that hundreds of users are now using my first lead project from 2015, the selection and implementation of a project management tool called Asana. It has even generated case studies that Asana presents as "successful examples". This made me ponder: how quickly does the "new" become the "old"?
To maintain an edge in the ever-evolving AI landscape, it's crucial to strategically embrace AI adoption. My latest blog delves into where this might first be seen. Read on to explore.

Losing your AI Fear: Lessons from a Taiwanese Night Market
We already discussed in a different article that you need to trial and error your options. This can mean encouraging you or your staff to use the new tools (though warn them about its ethics and security implications).
Exploring can also help you lose your fear of something. Psychologists refer to a method specifically designed to help people confront their fear as “Exposure Therapy”. The gist? Once you confront your “fear”, you lose it.

Why I Don’t Use AI for My Emails (Much)
The rise of AI writing tools and plugins such as Flowrite or Quickmail makes it easier to cut down on the flood of ever-increasing emails finding their way into our inboxes. Finally, we can spend less time on emails and more on the things we love.
But should we?

Harnessing the Power of AI: Small Businesses Tips Inspired by Fast-Food Giants
Not only did I eat twice at McDonald’s today, I even ordered yet another menu item for dinner at Hungry Jacks (the Australian version of Burger King) for dinner. And no, I am not feeling well at the moment (aside from a slight feeling of shame).
But it got me thinking: Why did I end up eating all my three daily meal times at these sub-healthy establishments today? How the heck did I end up here? How did the businesses make me buy from them three times?

What Managers Can Do to Stay Relevant in the AI-Future
Will managers be replaced by AI?
The short answer? No. But the management role itself will dramatically change.

ChatGPT in Action: How “Mittelstand” Firms Can Use It Right Now
ChatGPT continues to awestruck the masses. Read on to discover three examples of how you can use the tool, particularly as a mid-size company right now, right here.

ChatGPT: What are its limitations?
Is ChatGPT “all hat, no cattle” (as the Texans would say) or actually a new frontier of AI today? Either way, here are three reasons why the hyped language-based tool is limited (despite its remarkable abilities).

3 Humorous Examples of Innovation Resistance
Nothing is new about humans resisting change. Literally. Doing change successfully anywhere requires hard work and the actual management of change (everyone heard about change management) at hand. It is a lot of work. Read on to discover three hilarious examples of early innovation resistance.

Here's What Really Matters With Emerging Technologies
We are moving away from numbers and statistics that require the need for human involvement. And are going into the inevitable direction of lower overall systems costs, with better data and ultimately, decision and system help that is somewhat allowing to process and aggregate the insane amounts of data that a human brain never could.

3 Strategic Career Tips from an Ex-SpaceX Manager - Interview with Nicholas Lindsay
Gilmour Space is the largest sovereign space manufacturer of rockets and is pushing the boundaries of the Australian Space Industry. Previously, Nicholas was the Product Manager for Cargo Dragon and subsequently Director of Spacecraft Production at SpaceX, and has served 12 years in the U.S. Navy in various aviation and aerospace engineering roles.

Here's What People Are Saying About Innovation Acceleration.
I could see many people roll their eyes just after the presenter put up a big, white slide with the only word "Innovation" being on it. Somewhat, I think that I was able to feel that I hear their monologues in their heads unafraidly shouting out "BOORING" or "You don't say?" or even "Seriously man you are wasting my time I know all this".
"Innovation is more important than ever." That was what the speaker was saying at a Brisbane-located event I attended a few days ago. But because he did not explain what was so new about this he sealed his fate with the audience and lost all remaining attention.

3 Common Misconceptions About Fostering Innovation in Your Team
You have had several meetings with your team and communicated the need for innovation. You researched what teams need to come up with innovative ideas or solutions to an existing problem. You removed all the barriers you can think of. And yet, Jimmy's team from the other department spits out innovation like a flame thrower gasoline while you are sitting here in this dark meeting room for an hour already deciding if pushing this innovation is worth all that hassle.

Don't Buy Into These "Trends" About Competitive Advantage
When discussing trends, products on their own are not always a trend. A trend is anything with a widespread tendency. Trends can be anything - from a consumer service offering such as changing tires on your old rusty car to a slow change in behavior on the side of your suppliers that you develop because the market has shifted towards a sellers-market.

Bank of America Wants You to Walk Inside Their Branch... For A Video Call?!
Taking a video call inside a store? Why would you do that? Doesn't everyone have a P.C. at home these days? Or at least a smartphone? And wasn't there a Starbucks here before (I favor it each time I am in the U.S.)? Continue to read to see why BoA wants you to walk into their store in 2022 - for a video call.